Middle East Observer (MEO) is happy to announce that it has just begun work on translating a full-length documentary film called ‘Nasrallah in (Israeli) eyes’. The film features Israeli body language, public relations and psychological warfare experts who discuss and analyse various dimensions of Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s personality and charisma.
While the 50-minute documentary was aired on Al-Mayadeen TV back in 2014, it nevertheless remains relevant for understanding Middle East politics today, especially the Arab-Israeli conflict.
The documentary will be produced in 10 x 5 minute mini episodes to make it more easily consumable for online audiences. The episodes will be released gradually according to a set time frame that will be announced soon (stay tuned!).
We see this as a significant step, as it marks the first documentary we’re translating in years, and we’re doing so because we now have the means to do so, thanks to the ongoing generosity of our Patrons!
Please consider helping us grow too with even as little as $1/month on our Patreon page.
Kind regards,
MEO Team
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