In a recent press conference, Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the Hamas movement in Gaza, said that ‘all thanks goes to Iran for its total support’ for his group and ‘the other Palestinian resistance factions’.
Sinwar further explained that Iran provided Hamas and the other Palestinian factions every form of support and aid that it possibly could throughout the years, and that this enabled the Palestinians of Gaza to ‘rock and shake the Israeli enemy’ in the latest conflict.
Source: Aljazeera Mubasher (YouTube Channel)
Date: May 30, 2021
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Yahya Sinwar, Leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip:
We will open up the way for anyone who seeks to (help) rebuild Gaza, and to (help) remedy the economic situation or bring about an economic recovery in Gaza. The Egyptian brothers, whom we thank, announced an initiative and are prepared in this regard – (we completely) welcome them. The Qatari brothers are renowned for their support in such situations; we are sure they will keep supporting us and we welcomed them. The Turkish brothers…or our Kuwaiti brothers, who launched a great initiative and collected a huge amount of funds, and we trust our Kuwaiti people and others from the Arab and Muslim (world).
We will open up to all possibilities of participation in reviving the economic situation and giving our people in the Gaza Strip the chance to live. We will not inconvenience or ask anyone to give Hamas or al-Qassam “a single cent”. Hamas and al-Qassam have their own sources and income; they do not need to take anything from the funds intended for reconstruction and humanitarian efforts.
And in this regard, we have something that must be said; (our) thanks – all (our) thanks – goes to the Islamic Republic of Iran, which offered us unsparing and free-handed (support, aid & help) throughout all these years, whether to us (Hamas) or the other Palestinian resistance factions. By the Grace of Allah, (Iran freely provided us) with money, weapons, and training; and support in all areas. By the Grace of Almighty Allah – and (the Iranians) were with us even if they were not present on the ground (in Gaza); they were present through the capabilities they (granted us) to attack and rock the (Israeli) enemy.
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