Saudi political analyst Dr. Ahmad al-Shahri recently said that while he is opposed to the “enemy state Israel” entering Persian Gulf waters as part of a so-called US-led maritime security mission, it is in fact Iran that is to blame for “summoning” Tel Aviv and the “whole world” to this area.
Source: RT Arabic
Date: 7 August, 2019
Dr. Ahmad al-Shahri:
Israel is considered by all Arabs as a state occupying al-Quds (Jerusalem), and an enemy state, and a rejected state. It’s true that some Arab states, like Egypt and Jordan and others, have a relationship with Israel. However, all Arab people believe that Israel remains an occupying state, a state which occupies the third holiest site (al-Aqsa mosque). Therefore, I think that (Israel) coming on the scene to protect the Gulf waters is out of the question.
First, Israel has no interest in this region. It doesn’t have ships, boats or any interest in these regions. Therefore, I believe that such (an intervention) is completely rejected.
In fact, we should ask ourselves: who summoned Israel and asked it to offer its services? Who summoned the US, the UK, and all of Europe to protect the Gulf waters? Was it not (our) neighboring state Iran? Shouldn’t this state, this Islamic state, with whom we share common values, have strong ties and brotherhood, and are brought together by Islam – why is it summoning the (whole) world, thus inciting a conflict in our region and turning it into a war zone?
Would it not have been better for Iran to benefit from this crisis by creating opportunities to have dialogue and discussions, and good neighborly ties? It is (Iran) that brought these legions and summoned these forces. And now we witness it trying to fight the entire world. But I believe that the world will not wait too long to respond to the Iranian threats.
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