Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel in a speech on International Quds Day on 29 April 2022, that the Islamic Republic of Iran may strike back directly at the Tel Aviv regime from here on in retaliation for any attacks on Iranian forces in the region.
Seen as a symbol of resistance and anti-imperialism to many in the Arab and Islamic world, Hezbollah is simultaneously listed as a terrorist organisation by a number of Western states, including the U.S., the UK, Canada and Australia.
Source: Spot Shot Video (YouTube)
Date: May 1, 2022
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Hezbollah’s Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah:
The biggest response to the treacherous normalization meeting in the Negev was those operations that took place in Tel Aviv and Occupied Palestine. (They formed) a harsh, decisive, and firm answer. The message these operations are delivering to the Zionists is: ‘your normalization with these Arab states won’t protect you’, and this message says to the Arab states as well: ‘your relations with Israel won’t protect you’.
I wish to tell you a piece of information, (it is also directed) to the media, after the Zionists, the Mossad, attacked the Islamic Republic (of Iran) from (the) Erbil (base) in Iraq, and the Islamic Republic struck the Mossad (base in) Erbil with 12 Fateh-110 missiles – the missile strikes that accurately struck their targets – Iran sent a clear and public message, and I want to add a non-public message to that public message. I learned that the Islamic Republic notified regional states that have normalized (relations) and established ties with Israel, (ties) which may (may entail the) building (of military) bases for Israel on their territories, that any aggression against Iran from these states will be responded to (by striking) the Israeli base(s) in these countries, regardless of the country from which the aggression against the Islamic Republic of Iran was launched from.
The normalizing states have received this message, and so did the temporary Israeli entity, and we are making progress on another matter, which I wish to inform you of too, (and that is that) the Islamic Republic’s field and military stance is now advancing to the extent that, in case of the continuation of Israeli aggression against the Iranian presence in the (West Asia) region, it may strike Israel directly. This position is evolving, its preconditions are developing, and the issue depends on Israeli behaviour, and (the extent of) Israeli foolishness and Israeli stupidity. Officials in the Islamic Republic said: ‘The era in which we bring (back) our martyrs (to the homeland) and hold funeral ceremonies for them is over. (Today) we will avenge our martyrs’. This is a significant development.
Here I should also talk about a point that has to do with Lebanon in relation to the Israeli issue. In May last year, they wanted to conduct major (military) exercises at the level of the entire (Israeli) entity, and we warned (them) then. Today, I wish to reiterate. In May, which happens to be the month in which the (parliamentary) elections (in Lebanon) are taking place, perhaps on the first days or first week of May – they haven’t announced an official date yet – major exercises will take place in the (Israeli) enemy’s entity. Last time, they cancelled it because of The Sword of al-Quds battle and the Palestinian victory (back then). This year, it seems that they are willing to conduct these exercises, in which the navy, air force, ground forces, security bodies, internal front and reserve forces will take part, and it is (planned) to continue for a month. It’ll be a month of (continual) exercises. I wish to say to the Zionists today, that first, this matter does not frighten us, yet it calls us to be careful. We must always consider, in a time of exercises of this kind, and a high Zionist readiness of this kind, that the Israelis might commit a certain act of foolishness, (like) striking a target, assassinating a (certain) figure, bombarding (targets), we can’t know for sure what they might do. They would suppose that as we know Israel is in a state of readiness and (conducting) major exercises, we would recede, be scared, and retreat.
I say to the enemy: first, we are waiting for your exercises – and here the Lebanese people will be surprised, in the past few weeks, while our electoral machines were running, our jihadi troops were conducting silent exercises, and many people might not have noticed that. Exercises (were conducted) for all scenarios, theories, and weaponry which we possess. And I announce today, when Israeli exercises begin, whether they start before the elections or after – (and this is for everyone to hear) so that no one gets surprised – but of course no one will see anything with their own eyes, and this is one of the characteristics of the (Islamic) resistance in Lebanon, when the Israeli exercises start, we, the (Islamic) resistance in Lebanon, will be at the highest level of alertness and readiness. The brothers (in Hezbollah) are informed of this situation and they’re carrying out (the required) preparations, so that we don’t end up taken off guard. I also say to the Israeli enemy: do not bet on a (state of) exhaustion or weariness in a place or another (in Lebanon), hunger or poverty here, or fear or hesitation there. Any mistake – any mistake, any foolish act, any act of aggression, (be it) small or big, that the Israeli enemy might do, will be met by an instant and direct response, and you (Israelis) will not hear (the statement of) ‘we (Hezbollah) reserve right to respond at the appropriate time and place’. These major exercises of yours do not frighten us, and it will not prevent us from establishing the (regional) deterrence equations that have protected (the peace and sovereignty) of Lebanon to date. Do not presume that we are now preoccupied with the elections. The elections won’t distract us from (military) readiness, nor will they distract us from responding to aggressions and protecting our country, which is the original and main goal (of ours).
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