A news report on the unveiling of a memorial sculpture and the re-naming of one of Beirut’s main roads to honor the legacy of Iranian General Qassim Soleimani, the former head of Iran’s elite Quds Force.
Source: Al Etejah TV (You Tube)
Date: January 7, 2021
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“This is the least (one can do to show) loyalty”, the attendees here say, “to (Soleimani) who held the concern of Lebanon and its resistance, and who endlessly strove to liberate its (Lebanon’s) land.”
A memorial sculpture of martyr Qassim Soleimani was inaugurated (in the Lebanese capital) to eternalise his legacy.
Ceremony Organiser 1:
And here is the city of Ghobeiry – with its honorable people, with its men and women, and with its elders and youth – fulfilling their vow to God Almighty, and standing beneath (Soleimani’s) honorable shadow, and wearing (his) blood-stained suit as a garment of pride and glory that will never be replaced, nor will it fade.
Ceremony Organiser 2:
Today, Beirut is proud to name one of its main streets, which is close to Airport Road, (after martyr Hajj Qassim Soleimani). This move serves as a gesture to greet, honor, thank and show loyalty and gratitude to this dear martyr.
We are greatly indebted to (martyr Soleimani) for he (tirelessly) defended (our) land, honor, identity, and the dignity of the homeland and that of the Axis of Resistance.
Massive numbers commemorated the martyrdom anniversary of the leaders (i.e. Soleimani & al-Muhandis), thus thwarting the (schemes of the) killers and their supporters, be they writers, speakers or television channels, as the Lebanese scene witnessed strong media and political interest in marking the occasion.
A Lebanese political figure:
Today, Lebanon returns to its glorious roots in the presence of martyr Qassim Soleimani. Lebanon was always a (nation of) resistance, a nation that struggles against normalising relations with the Israeli enemy, and unrelentingly fights it.
The southern suburbs of Beirut (al-Dahieh) and all Lebanese squares will continue to bear witness to the presence of Qassim Soleimani as a (great symbol of) resistance and a partner in producing (Lebanon’s) victories.
Martyr Qassim Soleimani is present in Beirut’s squares, (a city) he has never been absent from. He is ever-present among its resistance fighters and will continue to (help) produce (Beirut’s) victories in all the stages to come.
Mohammad Zein, Al Etejah TV, Beirut.
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