The rise of International Axis challenging US power: TV Report


A short segment on Al Mayadeen TV illustrating the most important strategic agreements between states increasingly being targeted by American sanctions.

Source: Al Mayadeen News (YouTube)

Date: 21 July, 2020

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Every time Washington tries to tighten the screws on states by imposing sanctions on them, these states in turn come together and integrate deeper by forming alliances or concluding strategic agreements that open new windows for their economies which are reeling under sanctions.

Among the most important agreements of this nature are those signed between Iran and Iraq, most notable of which are the joint oilfield agreements between the two countries; the establishment of the Tehran-Damascus highway via Iraq; and various trade exchange agreements.

Some of these agreements could transform the balance of power, such as the strategic cooperation agreement between Beijing and Tehran which entails China investing hundreds of billions of dollars (in Iran), making the two countries partners in confronting American pressure.

As for Russia and Iran, they have taken serious steps in the way of strengthening cooperation in various political, economic and military fields, as well as cooperation in foreign affair files. 

On the other hand, Russia and China concluded a bilateral cooperation agreement in 2001, which consolidates the existing strategic partnership between the two countries since the end of the 1990s, in addition to agreements aimed at reinforcing economic relations between the two countries.

Moscow, which stood by Syria since the start of the war on it, concluded an agreement (with Damascus) that was signed by the respective defense ministries in 1994, in addition to several trade agreements, and the signing of an agreement to reconstruct Syrian infrastructure destroyed by war.

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